Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Year One Sandwich Program

On the 24h of September 2007, the Interact Club of SSG organized a program for the year one kids. Approximately 16 club members from form 4, taught the kids how to make egg sandwiches. This program was held during the upper secondary coco time which was from 8am to 10.10am, on Monday, at the school canteen.

We started with a demonstration on how to make an egg sandwich, led by Hannah. After the demonstration, the kids were divided into groups and they started working on their sandwiches. The members were in-charge of each group and their job was to assist the kids. All the members did a wonderful job as they were very patient with the kids.

After they have made the sandwich, they can enjoy their masterpiece. There were a number of kids who were thoughtful as they wanted to bring home the sandwiches to their parents.

Lastly, before the kids go off back to their classes, there was a short Q&A session. Simply questions were asked such as
a) name an ingredient used to make an egg sandwich
b) what was the first step we took to make the egg sandwich
c) and so on

The kids were rewarded with sweets for every question answered correctly. Although it was only sweets, the kids were really excited to receive them.

After the event, the interactors were lucky as there were extra ingredients. We enjoyed our own sandwiches before we started cleaning up.

With that, the programme ended.

(will upload the pictures after deepavali)

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